Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mommy and Me

Finally a picture of the girls! She refused to pose for a picture, but I think it turned out cute anyway (even though Jer cut off my head). Can you see the cute pink fake crocs I bought for her? They stayed clean for about 30 minutes. I can't believe how dirty parking lots are!

Savannah has made several new friends this week. On Friday she met Ian Tuttle who turns two in May. They fought over toys, but Ian gave her lots of hugs and kisses when he left. Tonight she met Ava who turns two in July (daughter of one of Jer's friends). They had so much fun walking around the hot tub and dancing to the music. It was nice to see another girl her age act just like her, tantrums and all. Now I know it's not just me!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Savannah loves the water, just like her daddy. We spent Friday at Lake Mead with her cousins Madi, Kaylee and Sidney. She had so much fun splashing in the water and tasting rocks. The water was freezing, but she didn't seem to mind. She didn't even cry when I strapped on her lifejacket.

We had a great Easter because we had family in town. Luckily the Easter Bunny knew where everyone was and left lots of treats. It's very quiet and lonely now that everyone is gone. We miss our families tons and tons!

As I'm writing, Savannah is eating a piece of gum she found in my purse, wrapper and all. I've kind of stopped worrying about what she eats because it keeps her quiet. This morning I let her eat jelly beans that fell on the ground outside. Can you believe it?! I'm getting very lazy and if it doesn't hurt her, I don't fight it. She's done with the gum now and has switched to a tube of lipgloss. She slept with me again last night. Her little nose runs constantly and she can't breathe when she's sucking on her binky. I felt bad for her, but mostly I just wanted to get some sleep. I may regret it later, but I'm sure it won't be my only regret!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Working girls

Sorry it's been so long, but we've been very busy. We both went to work for daddy last week and boy what a shock. How do working moms do it? Savannah was actually really good considering she was confined to two rooms all day. She watched dvds, played with her toys and "helped" around the office. I think we're both very happy to return to our stay-at-home lifestyle.
Savannah also visited the doctor last week for a well check - it didn't go well. She started crying the minute he touched her with the stethescope and kept on screaming until after her shots. She held still long enough to determine she weighs 23 lbs 9oz and is 31 1/2 inches tall.
Apparently the terrible two's are arriving early and I'm not sure I'm going to survive! The little stinker doesn't think she should go to bed before 10:00, even though she's exhausted. And I'm tired of listening to her scream so I just let her play. She follows me around whining half the day and asking for a cookie the other half. She throws temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. I'm not sure if I should laugh or scream! I'm going to blame some of her behavior issues on the fact that three of her eye teeth have just come through. Please tell me it gets easier or she might just be an only child!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

What happened to my baby girl?

I just put Savannah to bed and I can't believe how big she is! She likes to snuggle her face into my neck while I pat her back and rock to the lullaby. Somehow she seems to have grown five inches and five pounds in the last twentyfour hours. I almost started to cry when I realized she's not my little baby anymore. Time is moving too fast.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Does My Hair Look Okay?

I asked Savannah if I could take a pretty picture of her and she reached up to find the "pretty" in her hair. I love it now that she understands what I'm saying (mostly). Sometimes she will even put her toys away when I ask her to! One of her favorite things to do this week is look at her Little Mermaid book. She loves to see the page where Eric and Ariel kiss and usually makes a kissing sound when she sees it. She has also learned how to climb on the toybox in her room and loves to look out the window. When I catch her up there, she shakes her head and says "no-no" because she knows she's not supposed to play with the blinds. She obviously knows what "no" means, but she doesn't really seem to care!