Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Isn't Savannah the cutest ballerina-princess you have ever seen!?! We had a halloween party on Monday and she had lots of fun with her friends. She especially loved painting her pumpkin and eating treats, of course.
Last night was our ward Trunk-or-Treat and Annie was in seventh heaven! She loved carrying her bucket around and collecting all the candy. She didn't think it was necessary to stay by me and I had to work to keep up with her. There was one zombie costume that scared her, but she didn't seem to notice the rest with the exception of Snow White.

Nana Sue sent Savannah a magic wand in the mail and she loves it! It has a picture of Sleeping Beauty on it and it lights up and plays music. She loves to carry it around and do "magic" like Wubbzy. (Annie constantly talks about things that happen on her cartoons.) I'm going to have to magically hide her treat bucket because all she wants is candy. That was the first thing she asked for this morning!

We hope you all have a Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crazy for Cousins

Look how big Savannah is getting! Here she is doing one of her favorite things - reading books. We read the same ones over and over everyday. She especially loves the Mercer Mayer books Just Go To Bed and When I Get Bigger. For some strange reason she also likes Judy Blume's Freckle Juice. I told her I wouldn't read it to her one afternoon so she went in the den and read it to herself. Annie talks so much now and most words are really easy to understand. I can't believe the things she remembers and brings up later. Hopefully she won't repeat some of the words she hears from her Dad! Luckily, last night she thought he said "ship" when he dropped his cup.

Last week we drove to St. George to stay with Sherie and Isaac at Michelle's house. Annie had so much fun playing with Ike, especially jumping on the trampoline. She still talks about the toys downstairs. They had a dollhouse that she played with for hours. I'm hoping Santa will bring her one for Christmas.

Last weekend we were lucky enough to have Grandma, Sidney and Madi come for a visit. Savannah had so much fun playing with the girls, especially swimming with them. She still walks around the house calling "Sidney, Madi, Sidney, Madi..." I had to share this picture of Sid. I wish I could have gotten a direct shot. She looked so goofy with the goggle flaps flopping around. She and Madi swam for over six hours on Sunday! Who is going to want to come visit me when I no longer have a pool?? Well, you'll still have to come check out the new house. Maybe the kids can go to the gun range instead of swimming!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Run Steve Run!

Are you talking to me?
Last Saturday we went to St. George to watch Steve run the marathon. It rained all day, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. Can you believe he's 60? Shouldn't he be walking with a cane, not running 26 miles in the rain?!?

Steve finished the marathon in just over 4 1/2 hours. I'm nearly thirty years his junior and it would have taken me four days!! Way to go Papa!