Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

How is it possible that three years have gone by since this little angel joined our family? I hate to think how fast the next three years will go by.
My little Jeremy Jr. about a week old. You know, back when I was starving her.
Beautiful one-year-old birthday girl who has learned how to eat.
Darling two-year-old who still likes sweets and is all smiles.
I really can't believe how fast Savannah has grown. I feel like I've missed it all even though I'm with her all day every day. She is so smart and curious and constantly asking "what does that mean?" I guess three is really going to be harder than two. Annie has perfected tantrums, telling us "no", and pushing away her plate with a disgusted "eewwwww". She tries my patience, but I can't imagine a day without her.
I love you Savannah and I can't wait to see the woman you grow into, but please don't grow up too fast.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Beautiful Funny Girl

I may be biased, but has there ever been a cuter girl?!?
Contrary to popular belief, I actually do Savannah's hair on occasion. Of course it only stays cute for ten minutes and then she messes it up. Oh well, at least I caught this day on film.

Here is my darling Rosetta on Halloween. She was so excited to go trick-or-treating. She actually walked in those shoes for about five houses before she made me carry her. She doesn't understand why she can't go trick-or-treating anymore. "Halloween is over" just doesn't cut it.

Even Jer got into the Halloween spirit with his Harley gear. I threw on a witch costume at the last minute, but it wasn't worth a photo.
Annie got this trick-or-treat bag from Sonic and thought it made a beautiful hat. I had to remind her several times not to pull it down over her face. And yes, we do play ball while she's on the potty.

Savannah played in the dirt for to close to an hour on Sunday and this was the result. I don't know if you can see her face, but it was completely covered in dirt. She looked like a walking zombie!
I realize this photo is out of focus, but it's still cute. I don't know why Savannah insists on putting things on her head. At least these pull-ups were clean when she donned them.
Can you believe it has been three years since Annie was born?! She is SO excited for her Cars birthday party. She thinks everyone is coming to it. Today she told me her cousins were coming from Salt Lake to her party. She told everyone we saw at Walmart and the post office that it was her birthday. And you have never heard a greedier soon-to-be three year-old! Everything she sees is followed by "I wish I could have that for my birthday." Jer and I actually got a babysitter and went out birthday shopping last Friday! Hopefully Savannah will be happy with the presents we got her. I can't wait for her party either!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another month disappears

How can this year be moving so fast?! I'll give you another quick update of what we've been doing.
The Brooks came to visit over UEA. We did a little shopping and went to Cici's Pizza. Can't beat $10 for three people and Savannah loves it!
We went to a little farm near us that has a few animals, pumpkins and a maze for the kids. Savannah had so much fun running through the maze with some other little girls that were there.
Two weekends ago we went to Mesquite for the Xtreme Couture Combat Weekend. Ampro was a sponsor so Jeremy had to "work." It's a rough life when you are forced to play army with your buddies! The highlight of the weekend for Jer was meeting UFC champ Randy Couture. I don't think Annie was too impressed.
The highlight of the month for me was having Sherie, Ike and Luke come visit. We did a little shopping, some crafting and a lot of sitting around listening to my brat cry! Can you believe this picture of Annie and Luke glued to the tv was the only picture I took that weekend!?
Last Friday we went to the Fall Festival at the local elementary school. Savannah got to pick out three little pumpkins of her own. She also got to play games and won a goldfish. She was so excited! Today I killed that fish. I changed the water and added some aquarium rocks and I guess he didn't like it. Savannah looked at him and said, "Mommy, my fish is not swimming." I said maybe he was sleeping. "No, his eyes are open. He woke up!" Jeremy is going to pick up a new one on his way home from work. Hopefully it lasts more than three days.
On Saturday Savannah went to a birthday party for a friend from our old ward. She played with the other kids for about two minutes and spent the rest of the time at my side begging to go on the swings. Can I rent kids for her to play with???

Well that sums up our month. I'll sign off with another observation from Savannah. "Chickens say bock, bock, bock and poop out some eggs." Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The "Bum-Bum" Song

Have you heard Savannah talk about the bum-bum song? I never knew what she was talking about until now. While I was blog-hopping Annie came up behind me with a big grin on her face and said, "That's the bum-bum song!" a.k.a. Disturbia. Now we're listening to it for the third time! Here are her observations about this song:
  • That's what Madi has.
  • We listened to it downstairs and Clay had it in his room.
  • Sherie has it in her craft room.

When I asked her how she got so smart to remember all that she said, "Because we danced to it everyday."

Aren't you glad the mystery has been solved?! Still waiting for reservations..........

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Baby Sister

I made the mistake of accompanying Jer and Savannah into PetSmart and walked out with a new addition to the family.
Meet Zee. She is a 10 month old German Shepherd whose parents lost their house. Her full name is Zlata, but we think that's weird so we're just going with Zee. So far she has been very well behaved, but I'm sure that will change. It was one year ago today that we put Jake down and I hope he doesn't mind. Hopefully Zee will prove to be as good as Jake was.
While I'm here I might as well share some pics of little missy. Savannah likes to show everything to Zee, but she doesn't want her too close. I hope they will get along.
This is the face Savannah pulls when she is proud of something she has done. After I took the picture of Zee, she told me to take a picture of her and Mater. (That's him with the smiley face.) She is getting to be quite the artist.
I'll close with this observation by Savannah: "It's stinky in here like someone farted."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lazy days of summer

Looks like I'm way behind again. Here's a quick recap.
We spent Labor Day weekend at Lake Powell. Savannah had lots of fun fishing and playing with her cousins.
Sherie gave Annie these Tinkerbell pajamas. (They aren't neon pink in real life, I guess it was just the flash.) She loves them and wants to wear them every night. I think the mustache is the perfect touch, don't you?
We went home for Kamree's baptism and family pictures. Why couldn't Savannah smile that cute in the family photos?
We took a roadtrip to Phoenix to see the Ruff's. Savannah was really good in the car. She had lots of fun with Morgan and Mason and doesn't seem to bear any scars from being lost at the Kids Faire.
Now we're back home and it's just Annie and me during the day (and most of the night. Jer just got home!) She spends a lot of time putting together her puzzles. She does the Wubbzy one over and over and is so proud of herself when she's done. She always comes to me for a hug and praise when she's finished with it. I love and hate this stage at the same time. She is so smart, cute, funny and independent, but lately has been very whiney and booby too. Please don't tell me this is just the beginning. I may end up locking myself in the bathroom!
On a side note, it's cooling down and our guest room is empty. What are you waiting for????

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Compliments to the chef

"Mommy, that was the best pancakes with sprinkles in the world I ever tasted."

I wish everyone was that easy to please.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Big helper

Savannah loves to "help" with things around the house. I let her put the silverware away and dust on occasion. Last night she helped Jer wash his truck. She looked so cute cleaning in her favorite "Hannah Montana" tennis shoes. I don't know why she calls them that, but she can put them on by herself and wears them all the time.
Savannah can entertain herself for hours with the simplest things. One of her new hobbies is "decorating" the plant in my bathroom with hair clips. I love her imagination!

Last night Savannah fell off the back of the couch and scared me to death. I kept checking her eyes to make sure they weren't dilated. I really thought I might have to take her to the doctor, but after a two hour nap, she was back to her old self. I'm glad Jer was home to comfort me because I was on the verge of panic. It was the first time I've been really worried about Annie, but I know it won't be the last. Thank goodness she has a hard head!

Friday, August 28, 2009

One Happy Mama

I had such a great time "nursing" Sherie back to health. It was so nice to just sit and craft and not have to run all over the place (or cook, or clean, etc). The best part was being away from Annie for a few days. That may sound mean, but it was a wonderful change of pace. Thanks Sherie and Clark for letting me take over your bedroom floor!

Savannah is finally rid of the stinky binky, although she asks for it occasionally. She's still awake and asking Jer to watch "Wall-E" again. It's Friday night, so I'm off the hook. I love the weekend!

Have you heard Annie "wish" for anything? She says it all the time. This week she wished she had a siren on her head like Mater and that she could clean the toilet all by herself. I told her she had to be older to use the toilet wand and she said maybe her friends would give her one for her birthday. Isn't that just what you've always wanted?!

Sorry I don't have any new photos to share. Sherie would kill me if I posted her pics and that's all I took while I was up there. I'm busy working on witch cards and I'll share those sometime soon. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Here are some pics from last month with a quick recap.

Annie was so excited to meet baby Hattie. This morning she told me she has a baby in her tummy!
Savannah loves to go to Sherie's because there are so many cool toys and she can play outside. I love that I don't have to watch her 24/7!

Savannah loved having Cam and Sidney at our house. They taught her how to sing and dance to Taylor Swift songs. Luckily, she doesn't remember them now.Ane here's my girl following in my footsteps. For some reason she loved looking at this book of Camry's.
The Bountiful 24th Parade was so exciting to Savannah. She still tells people about the sticky candy, sirens, clowns and music. She has never mentioned how hot it was.

Of course swimming was another highlight of our trip. She still talks about floating on Dora.

I'll have to invest in a tube the next time we go swimming.
Savannah will never forget doing fireworks with Grandpa. She remembers that they were loud and scared Luke. She loved throwing the "poppers" and catching a parachute. Hopefully we'll get to see them again next year.

Annie loves to draw. I got this easel at Ikea and she uses it all the time. This is a picture she drew of herself, daddy and me (from left to right.) At first she only drew herself and Jer. She explained to me as she drew their faces, hair and shirts, that I was at the store. I guess I came home because she drew me next. I love her creativity at this age! Jeremy saves every picture she colors at church. Now I know how Sherie's scrap room gets so cluttered!
Well, that sums up this post. I'll be back when I have more pictures or stories to share.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update on Annie

Jeremy has taken my camera to work so I can't upload photos. But I thought I'd share some things Savannah is doing now so I can remember them later.

"Cars is my favorite movie ever." Annie watches Cars daily and now everything she plays with has a character's name. For instance, she plays with her baby spoons and each color has a name. The purple one is Sally; pink is "the bad guy", aka Chick; and white is "Rocky", aka The Rookie Lightning McQueen. I know she is strange, but she's an only child with a big imagination.

Aside from Wow Wow Wubbzy, her favorite cartoons are Caillou and Phineas and Ferb. The other day she yelled "mom" so I said "what." She replied, "Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence." Do you think she's seen it too many times?!

Savannah no longer takes a nap. You'd think this would make her really tired at night and she'd fall asleep easily. Wrong! Most nights it's a fight to get her to go to bed, but we're working on it. She still ends up in our room every night around 1:30 and that's where she stays.

Annie can do a somersault on her own now. She can also wash her hands by herself. It's nice to be able to tell her to wash her hands after eating instead of cleaning up with baby wipes.

Savannah loves to sing and make music. Whenever we get in the car she asks for Jimmy Buffett. Her favorite song is Brown Eyed Girl, aka Sha-la-la. She always tells me to sing the chorus and stops me if I start singing the actual verses. One day I heard her say "watching the sun bake." I asked her what she was doing and she said, "just singing Margaritaville." Looks like there's another Parrothead in the family!

Well, that's it for now. I really will post some pics soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What a vocabulary!

Me: How about spaghetti for dinner?
Annie: No, that's embarassing.

Annie: Mom, I can fart in my panties, but I can't pee in them. That would be weird.

I will be back to update with pics and such later tonight.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two steps back...

My lazy parenting has come back to bite me again. I guess Savannah got used to wearing pullups while we were in Salt Lake because now she just goes in her panties wherever she is. Most recently it was in her toy room. I made her sit on the potty while I cleaned it up and after a few minutes she started yelling, "Mom, it wasn't my fault." Where did she learn that?????

I'll be back another time with photos and fun from our trip.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lake Powell and more

Can you believe I didn't take a single picture while at the family reunion? I guess I tend to forget I have a kid when my sisters are around. I did manage to snap this one of Savannah on the drive home from Salt Lake. Doesn't she look comfy?

We made it back safely from a week at Lake Powell and Annie's not even sunburned! She had such a good time there. All she wanted to do was swim whether anyone else was in the water or not. I'm not sure where her bravery comes from, but it certainly isn't from me.Here we are at Rainbow Bridge which you can just barely see above my head. It was way too hot to make the hike up the trail so we settled for the view from a distance.
It looks like Savannah is going to be a water fanatic just like her dad. Here they are kayaking. Notice the arm Jer made in prosthetic school just for this purpose? This is the first time he's actually used it and it worked great.
Annie also tried riding the waverunner behind the boat with Jeremy. She wasn't concerned when he fell off either. You could barely see the top off her head when they started going faster, but Jeremy said she had a lot of fun.

Brayden and Alex each had their own fishing poles and Savannah wanted to join in the fun. So while we were at Walmart, Jer bought her a princess fishing pole. She was so excited! They actually caught a fish on it which she helped reel in, but she didn't let it get too close.

It was a very relaxing week and fun to watch Savannah enjoying herself so much. Perhaps some of you would like to join us over Labor Day? Maybe we can borrow this boatplane.
Or perhaps you would rather travel by helicopter?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a small taste of how the other half lives? I'm going to start playing the lottery!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Girl Rocks!!!

I am so proud of my little girl! Earlier this evening Savannah went in the backyard to play. After a few minutes she came back in, picked up her princess potty and carried it out back. After one false alarm, she sat down and pooped! Then just a couple minutes ago, she actually pulled her panties down and went pee by herself! She has never gone completely on her own! I am one proud peacock! Mind you, yesterday I was going to beat her. She went to card group with me and peed and pooped her pants. I told her she was naughty and couldn't watch TV all night. I guess that punishment worked!

I am also very amused by Annie. She is totally into knock knock jokes. Usually she just makes up some word that makes no sense. Tonight when I asked who's there, she said tissue. Tissue who? Do you need a tissue to get the boogies out of your nose? It was pretty funny. At dinner she decided she didn't want nachos. She pushed her plate away and said, "Mommy I want some different food." I'm sure the time will come when I won't find that so amusing, but tonight I laughed. I hope you all find something to laugh about too.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

More catching up

I'll skip the chit chat and just post some pics.

Bonnie Springs old western town and petting zoo
Yes, the deer had a goiter.

Riding the train

Bass Pro Shops

"I'm birdwatching."

Here fishy, fishy.

Dancing water at Bellagio

Playing at the splash park

Ill be back with more pics and a potty training update later.