Monday, October 26, 2009

Another month disappears

How can this year be moving so fast?! I'll give you another quick update of what we've been doing.
The Brooks came to visit over UEA. We did a little shopping and went to Cici's Pizza. Can't beat $10 for three people and Savannah loves it!
We went to a little farm near us that has a few animals, pumpkins and a maze for the kids. Savannah had so much fun running through the maze with some other little girls that were there.
Two weekends ago we went to Mesquite for the Xtreme Couture Combat Weekend. Ampro was a sponsor so Jeremy had to "work." It's a rough life when you are forced to play army with your buddies! The highlight of the weekend for Jer was meeting UFC champ Randy Couture. I don't think Annie was too impressed.
The highlight of the month for me was having Sherie, Ike and Luke come visit. We did a little shopping, some crafting and a lot of sitting around listening to my brat cry! Can you believe this picture of Annie and Luke glued to the tv was the only picture I took that weekend!?
Last Friday we went to the Fall Festival at the local elementary school. Savannah got to pick out three little pumpkins of her own. She also got to play games and won a goldfish. She was so excited! Today I killed that fish. I changed the water and added some aquarium rocks and I guess he didn't like it. Savannah looked at him and said, "Mommy, my fish is not swimming." I said maybe he was sleeping. "No, his eyes are open. He woke up!" Jeremy is going to pick up a new one on his way home from work. Hopefully it lasts more than three days.
On Saturday Savannah went to a birthday party for a friend from our old ward. She played with the other kids for about two minutes and spent the rest of the time at my side begging to go on the swings. Can I rent kids for her to play with???

Well that sums up our month. I'll sign off with another observation from Savannah. "Chickens say bock, bock, bock and poop out some eggs." Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The "Bum-Bum" Song

Have you heard Savannah talk about the bum-bum song? I never knew what she was talking about until now. While I was blog-hopping Annie came up behind me with a big grin on her face and said, "That's the bum-bum song!" a.k.a. Disturbia. Now we're listening to it for the third time! Here are her observations about this song:
  • That's what Madi has.
  • We listened to it downstairs and Clay had it in his room.
  • Sherie has it in her craft room.

When I asked her how she got so smart to remember all that she said, "Because we danced to it everyday."

Aren't you glad the mystery has been solved?! Still waiting for reservations..........