How is it possible that three years have gone by since this little angel joined our family? I hate to think how fast the next three years will go by.
My little Jeremy Jr. about a week old. You know, back when I was starving her.
Beautiful one-year-old birthday girl who has learned how to eat.
Darling two-year-old who still likes sweets and is all smiles.
I really can't believe how fast Savannah has grown. I feel like I've missed it all even though I'm with her all day every day. She is so smart and curious and constantly asking "what does that mean?" I guess three is really going to be harder than two. Annie has perfected tantrums, telling us "no", and pushing away her plate with a disgusted "eewwwww". She tries my patience, but I can't imagine a day without her.
I love you Savannah and I can't wait to see the woman you grow into, but please don't grow up too fast.