No, Savannah hasn't started drinking, just hanging out on our boat. We went to Lake Mojave to celebrate Jer's birthday and Mother's Day. The weather was nice, the water was cool and Savannah had a blast. She didn't care that her whole body was shivering, she just wanted to be in the water. She was really good about wearing her lifejacket and it worked just like it should. She took a little spill and flipped right over onto her back. She cried for a second, but went right back to playing in the water. Jeremy let her help drive the boat and she was in seventh heaven. She definitely has her daddy's love for the water and he couldn't be happier. We are sorry we weren't home to spend Mother's Day with all of you, but this trip was the next best thing.
I am thrilled to report that Savannah made it through the night without me!!! I heard her wake up once, but she only cried for a few seconds and then she was quiet again. I went in her room at 8:00 this morning to make sure she was still breathing and she was sound asleep! I would love to believe this is her new sleep pattern, but I'm sure she was just exhausted from all the fun in the sun. Oh well, I will take what I can get!

Since we are coming home at the end of the month, I thought I'd brief you on Savannah's language so you can understand her better. As you know, she is the smartest baby ever, but you have to be the smartest mommy ever to notice it! "Me-me" means Little Mermaid which she says anytime she sees Ariel. "Ma-ma" doesn't mean mom, it means chocolate milk which she loves. Cookie, sky, ball, Mom, Dada, Grandpa, and Nana are easily recognizable and self explanatory. The majority of Annie's language consists of the "s" sound. It can mean any of the following: cartoons if you turn on the tv (followed shortly by "Diego"); shoes if she's looking at her feet; moon if she's looking at the sky; flag or balloon if she happens to see one; and raisins, grapes or cheese if you open the fridge or pantry. I have tried repeatedly to get her to say flag, but no such luck. I guess "ssss" is much easier. When she says "k", she or something she wants is stuck. If you don't correct the problem fast enough to suit her, she will get mad. And last but not least, when she clicks her tongue, she wants her binky. Hope this little tutorial will help you get ready for our visit. We can't wait to see you!