Can you hear the Beach Boys singing to you? Just thought I'd do a quick update before we leave. We are having a nice Memorial Day weekend with the Ruffs. Savannah is having so much fun playing with Morgan (4) and Mason (2). She normally doesn't really "play" with other kids, just kind of watches them. Not so with these two. She and Mason chase Morgan all around, play in the pop-up house together, share drinks and food, and laugh a lot. I'm happy to see her having so much fun and sad that she doesn't get to play with her cousins like this nearly often enough. We are very excited to be coming home tomorrow. When I tell Savannah we are going to go see Grandma and Nana, she walks to the back door expecting to go right now. She's getting good at saying "morrow".
I do have more proof that Annie is a genius. I bought her a DoodlePro this week and she loves to have me write on it. On Thursday I drew a triangle, square, circle, moon and star and asked her to show me each of them. She got them all right! And it wasn't just a one time thing, she does it over and over. Even if she doesn't see you draw them, she can pick out the shapes. So I bought her some flashcards and now I'm working on colors. So far she can identify purple on her own. I know - I sound just like Elise, but give me a break. Savannah is my first and I don't have any other kids around to compare her to. I can't wait to show off her new skills to you. See you tomorrow!!!
1 comment:
Wow little genius! Its amazing to me how quickly kids pick things up.
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