Even though I secretly laugh when Savannah is naughty, I have started using "time out". She is forever climbing on the kitchen table, no matter how many times I tell her "no". So today I made her sit in the corner twice! I don't think she cared or had any idea what was going on, but it at least made me feel like I was standing firm. I'm in deep trouble when she gets older.
Our little family has been swimming together the last few nights. You can't believe how warm the pool is! It's actually cold when you get out. Savannah loves swimming and we are working with her on actually swimming. She will walk off the shallow step toward me, go under with her eyes open, kick her feet and come up smiling when I grab her. It is so cute! Except for tonight when she sucked in too much water and puked everywhere. Luckily I wasn't in the pool with them, so Jer had to clean it up! It takes a long time for grapes to digest!!

Hope you enjoy your weekend. Annie gets a babysitter tomorrow, so I'll let you know how that works out.