Thursday, September 18, 2008

Little Miss Smartypants

Savannah is talking so much these days. One of her new words is "rina" for ballerina. She will stand on one foot and say "Sazza rina". Then she asks Jer, Jake and me to be ballerinas too! This photo shows Annie with her ballerina pajama shirt on her head. She puts it on every day and calls herself a mouse (Jer taught her that) or a lion. It's too cute!

Annie is also quite the copycat. Here she is trying to use my Pedegg. Yesterday she said "darn it." I have only used that phrase once and it was in the car earlier in the day. Amazing how she can pick and choose what she wants to hear!!

And it seems the terrible twos have arrived a little early. Savannah loves to walk around in her dress-up shoes. I tried to get a picture of her walking down the hall, but she fell down before I could get a good one. She got mad and took off the shoes, threw them down the hall and yelled "stop it!" It was really cute and funny, but I'm sure I won't think so for long. It's not cute when she throws herself on the floor and says NO! And I really don't appreciate that she has finally figured out how to open doors. I may have to put a lock on the top of the pantry!!
Now for an update on Jake. His belly is still very swollen, but he is breathing easier. The new vet said he has a major infection and his thyroid isn't working properly. Now Jake has to take twelve pills a day. It's like taking care of an old person!! We're still waiting on more test results to rule out heartworm or a tick-borne illness. I hope we figure out what it is soon.


sherie said...

She is so smart and getting so big. She is a total crack up. I bet she loved having Luke around to play with. I hope I'm able to come down and visit soon and see her for myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey sis, is that a Ped Egg I see on the floor next to Savannah? She is as beautiful as she is smart! At least she puts a shirt on her head and not underpants like her aunt Sherie. I saw the picture and that was the first thing I thought of. I love seeing her and reading about her. It really helps me feel connected to what you are doing. Kiss the girl, say Hi to J and give Jake a treat for me. Love you all!!!

ShaeMarie and Ryan said...

You can't hide from me for long...if it isn't Sundays and Tuesdays, you'll find me leaving a comment on your blog! I found your blog through joy's blog. I will send you an invitation to your email for mine if you ever get bored. Savannah is adorable! I hope you don't mind if I check in on your blog every once in a while! Cute, cute cute!