Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Growing Up

"You can go now." That is what Savannah said to me as she walked into preschool today and just like that dismissed me from her life. I'm not going to lie, I love having a few hours to myself, but does she have to be so eager to be free of me too? We just had dinner as a family and then Annie did her homework at the table (she is a genius just like her mother.) I hope she is this sweet about doing "real" homework when the time comes. I can't believe how big she is. I am getting old.
We spent the weekend in Flagstaff four-wheeling with a bunch of Ruff's friends. Savannah was in heaven! She picked a million flowers, went for walks in the woods, and got filthy with her new friends. When I asked what her favorite part of the trip was, she said "the bubbles". Go figure!

Savannah and I held hands and walked to the mailbox last night. Out of the blue my sweet girl says, "Mom do you know why I love you? Because I like you." I don't know what I'd do without her. I wish I could bottle up the sweet moments and save them forever.

It has been three weeks since I began this post, so now I will just add a few pics and call it done.
I found Savannah munching on a cookie and looking at every book in the toyroom. I don't know why she looks so grumpy.
The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Very cool to do (with a coupon).
That's me rock climbing at Lake Powell! Someone had to see where that rope went.Heavy rain in Page caused this huge waterfall. It was amazing!
This is sweet Aden that has been staying with us.

And last but definitely not least, we have trees! Twelve of them including four fruit trees. Hopefully in a few years we'll have shade.
See you soon!

1 comment:

hmdraney@gmail.com said...

Oh, I am so glad we get to see you this weekend! It is crazy how fast she grows when we don't get to see her often. She is a sweet girl, and thank goodness she reminds you of that every now and again because you then share those moments with us! :)