Sunday, April 20, 2008

She's growing up

Today was Savannah's first day in nursery and it was much better than following her around the halls. Of course we spent sacrament in the foyer, but she loved nursery. She is the youngest in the class so she hasn't learned to fight for toys or seats yet, but I'm sure that will come. I left the room for a few minutes at snack time and came back to a big mess. She had a red and blue fruit roll up and it was all over her dress! Next time I will make sure to bring a bib as I'm not very good at getting stains out of clothes.

Since her dress was already a mess, I let her feed herself some pudding tonight. This picture was taken half way through so she got messier. She kind of looks like a lion with the brown nose and big eyes!!
I can't believe we go to Disneyland on Thursday! I am so excited I can't stand it. I hope Savannah has as much fun as I have imagined she will. We tell her everyday that we're going to see Mickey Mouse and she just stares at us. I'm sure she'll cry when we meet him, but she'll stop when I give her a churro! Mmmmm, I can taste it now...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

They say kids repeat everything you say and I have to add they repeat everything they see you do. I was playing on the computer earlier and Savannah was going through desk drawers as usual. She found a cord and actually plugged it into the USB port on the computer!!! Maybe they're just born with computer smarts these days.

On the other hand, she can't take her eyes off the TV long enough to even get dressed. In the morning she takes my hand and leads me into the family room and points to the remote because she wants to watch cartoons. I have a one year-old floor potato! (she doesn't sit on the couch) I hope she's at least learning shapes and numbers from Mickey Mouse. She has learned how to dance from him and that's not something I can teach her, so it's not all bad. I can't wait to see how she reacts to him at Disneyland. Only two weeks left:) I'm already buying treats to smuggle in!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Swim Lessons

Jeremy is determined to teach Savannah to love the water and so far it's working. Tonight he was teaching her to float on her back and "swim" to him. She had so much fun and she didn't even cry when she went under. Meanwhile I'm freaking out a little, but with a fish for a father she should be fine. Jer is installing an alarm on the slider as we speak and we're going to look at a pool gate this weekend. The first drowning of the year happened yesterday and it really upset J. It made me sad, but I tend to be one of those "it won't happen to me" kind of people. I know I live in my own little world, but if I think of all the things that can go wrong, I'll have to be put in an institution.

One of Banana's favorite things to do now is read books. She brings me Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White at least three times a day. If I'm sitting on the floor she backs up onto my lap or she takes me to the chair she wants me to sit on. She knows the characters in the books and loves it when I sing the songs that go with the pictures. I can't wait to see what she does at Disneyland. Only sixteen days to go!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Girl

Is she cute or what!?! Daddy wanted to go hot tubbing with his baby so we put on her darling swimsuit and snapped a few pics. She loved swimming even though it was a little cool outside. Jer can't wait for it to warm up so he can swim with her more often. Me - not so much. I might melt like the wicked witch!

On Monday we went to the Dinosaur Park and Savannah got to play on the swings. She liked it, but she wanted to go play with the ducks in the pond more. It's a lot of work to take her places nowadays. If we go to the store she thinks I should hold her rather than sit in the cart. She will happily stand in the basket part, but that doesn't work once I start filling it up. She either throws the stuff out of the cart or tries to eat it. You know that country song "You're gonna miss this"? That is the story of my life. I'm sure when she starts to talk back I really will miss these days. She is still waking up at night for no known reason. Sometimes I can just give her the binky and she falls right back to sleep. Other times she wants me to hold her or cries as soon as I leave the room. I end up letting her sleep with me because it's too cold to stand around in my G's waiting for her to fall back to sleep! I really hope she hasn't figured out how to play me already, but I think I lost that battle a long time ago.