Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just like Dad

How cute does she look in her little robe and slippers?! The slippers are too big, but she loves them so she wears them with socks and I tape them on! She sleeps in them so her feet won't get cold when she goes to the bathroom. Smart thinking!!
See that paper airplane she's holding? Jer made that on Monday and she plays with it every day. It flies way better than the ones I make.
This is a cute book we checked out from the library. Jeremy hadn't seen it so Savannah decided to show it to him. "Dad look at this funny book. It's called Those Damn Birds!" Wonder where she gets that from? I thought Jeremy might pee his pants he laughed so hard.

If you look closely you'll see my pretty flowers in the background. Jer surprised me with them earlier in the week. He also got some pink ones for Annie. She was so excited. Super sweet!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's About Time

I am finally taking the time to post some pics!
First the birthday:

Savannah was so happy to have her friends come celebrate with her. Although she did have a meltdown when she didn't win musical chairs.

I tried my hand at twisting balloons - swords for the boys and flowers for the girls. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Here is the giant cupcake cake. I wasn't as impressed with it as the people on TV. However, I think my Starburst shapes turned out really cute. The kids loved them!

Can you believe I paid $5 for a card?!? It plays a song from the first Tinkerbell movie and was worth every penny! She can sing the song now and it is so cute.
This is what Savannah wears everyday. She puts on the dress and tiara right after she gets dressed and won't take it off. We go shopping and to the library like this. She's little enough that people think she's cute instead of crazy.
Notice the beauty mark she drew on her cheek? I asked her who she was trying to be like and she said Charlotte on Princess and the Frog. Very observant girl.
Annie loves going to preschool and I am amazed at what she has learned. She can actually read the little books she bring home from school! She is forever drawing pictures and hanging them up all over the house. I couldn't be any prouder of her. Oh, and she has moved out of my bed and into a little bed of her own on our floor! Baby steps...
I will leave you with our conversation from last night:
"If I had a baby brother and he was crying, I would just pick him up from his crib and feed him a bottle. Then he wouldn't cry anymore." (She talks about a baby brother frequently.)
"Mom, why don't you have another baby?"
"I don't know. Maybe that's something we can pray about. Do you know who is going to have a baby? Jacob's mom."
"She should give us that baby."
If only it were that easy!
Merry Christmas and see you soon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sweet girl

I will post birthday pics eventually, but in the mean time I leave you with this story.

I pulled out the Christmas decorations this week including Savannah's pink tinsel tree. She was very excited. We took it in her room and plugged it in. She immediately said, "I'm going to pray." I kind of ignored her. She started to walk out of the room, but turned back and said, "Shall we pray?" I said sure. She climbed on her bed and said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to make sure she could keep her tree. I don't know what made her think to do it, but I found it really sweet.