Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Yes, that is our backyard! Sorry it's a little fuzzy, but my subject wouldn't hold still. I woke Savannah up from her nap to get a picture of her in the snow and she wasn't happy. Tonight it was still coming down when we left Costco and she held up her hand and said "Go away snowing!"
I couldn't resist taking this picture. Doesn't she look so cute in her slippers?! In reality, I was hoping she would use her Dora potty before I put her pants on. It didn't happen.

Last, but not least, is this precious pic of Savannah in her Christmas outfit from Nat and Sherie. I tried for twenty minutes to get a smile out of her to no avail. Don't you love the "antique" effect on this one? The magic of editing. I ordered some prints from Costco and I'm hoping they turn out.
I can't think of much else to say right now other than see you next week!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Terrible Twos

It has been nearly a month and Savannah is still singing Happy Birthday. I'm glad she had such a good time. I am using the fact that she is now officially two to explain some of her rotten behavior. She is a nightmare to get in her carseat. She arches her back and screams to avoid being buckled in. Last night I tried singing a song to calm her down and she said "Stop it Mommy!" She is still waking up in the night and coming to bed with us. I asked Jer if he cared and he said no, but he doesn't want her still sleeping with us 'til she's twelve!! Hopefully it won't come to that. Someday I'll stand up to the little terror and make her follow my rules, like we don't put our feet on the table!Savannah had so much fun playing with her cousins over Thanksgiving. She still talks about watching Little People with Madi and Sidney. I can't wait to see her reaction to Christmas morning! It will be lots of fun this year now that she gets the concept of presents. I decorated the house and put out a few things that Savannah is allowed to touch. She likes to touch each of the bulbs on the tree and play like she's getting lotion from them. She also loves to hold her baby Jesus. Here is a little video of her with it. Enjoy!

Okay, so I can't get the video to load. I'll try again later.