Get ready for some serious bragging because my daughter is a genius! Everyday she does or says something that amazes me. You can't believe how much she talks now. We have been working on colors, but usually Savannah says everything is "boo". This morning she pointed to her cup and said "neen" and her cup is green! Yesterday she found a pencil with smiley faces on it and said "happy". Then she found a piece of paper I had stamped a wedding chapel on and said "house". These may seem like silly little things, but to me they are huge.
Lake Mead on the 4th of July
I put some alphabet magnets on the fridge yesterday and she knew some of them on sight! She identified B, M, O, C, and Z without any help. I mean she walked over and pointed to them and said what they were all by herself! Sometimes when she's in a shopping cart she'll point to the letters and tell me what they are. She especially likes Costco and Michaels because she knows a lot of those letters. I am surprised that she knows them whether they are small or capital letters. What can I say? She is brilliant just like her mother!!
Yummy popsicle, funny TV show
While I brag at how smart Savannah is, I have to admit that she is a little fart. When she does something she knows she shouldn't do, she looks at me and gives me a goofy grin. How can you get mad at someone so cute? She still likes to draw on things and throws toys when she gets upset. And we're still struggling with staying in her own bed at night. So while I may brag a lot, I admit that she isn't perfect, but she's pretty darn close!!!
Taking teddy for a walk
We can't wait to see you and show off some more! XOXOXO