My beautiful blue eyed Savannah thought it would be fun to wear an Oreo as a hat. Couldn't you just eat her up!!! I cut her bangs again and I think she looks so grown up. You won't believe how much she talks now. She jabbers all day and I can understand pretty much all of it. She has started calling herself "Sazza". It's so cute!
I had to show you how silly Annie is now. She loves to walk around looking out the corner of her eye. When she sees you watching her, she breaks out in a big, goofy grin. Jer and I are constantly laughing at her, except when I put her in time out. It does seem to be helping. She had to sit in time out today for climbing on the table and throwing the bills on the floor repeatedly. She didn't do either again after I made her sit in the corner.

Here's one more picture of my little cutie. She wasn't mad, she just didn't want to say cheese for me (she had to take out her binky.) I know I'm just like every other mom out there, but I really think she is the cutest girl ever! Can't wait to show her off this weekend!