As most of you know, our house was broken into on monday and the jerks stole our cameras and computer monitor, so I don't have any pics to upload currently. We went to Costco tonight and bought a new camera so hopefully it won't be much longer. Our computer will have to go in the shop so I'll be using Jer's work laptop in the meantime. I highly suggest loading all your photos and videos to cd/dvd ASAP, just in case. You don't want to lose out on a year and half worth of video just because you never got around to transferring it from your camera! So if you ever see any pictures of my baby on the internet (besides this site) call me immediately!!!
Savannah has decided she doesn't want to sleep through the night anymore. I made her a bed on my floor so at least I can say she isn't actually sleeping with me. Can you believe she will be two this week?! I am so excited for her birthday. I'm going to get a bunch of balloons for her to wake up to and let her swing at the park for as long as she wants to. I can't wait to give her the dollhouse I bought, but Jer says I have to wait for him to get home from work so he can watch her play with it. No fair! I hope Savannah enjoys her birthday as much as I'm going to. Look for her birthday greeting on Sprout!