Monday, March 17, 2008

Working girls

Sorry it's been so long, but we've been very busy. We both went to work for daddy last week and boy what a shock. How do working moms do it? Savannah was actually really good considering she was confined to two rooms all day. She watched dvds, played with her toys and "helped" around the office. I think we're both very happy to return to our stay-at-home lifestyle.
Savannah also visited the doctor last week for a well check - it didn't go well. She started crying the minute he touched her with the stethescope and kept on screaming until after her shots. She held still long enough to determine she weighs 23 lbs 9oz and is 31 1/2 inches tall.
Apparently the terrible two's are arriving early and I'm not sure I'm going to survive! The little stinker doesn't think she should go to bed before 10:00, even though she's exhausted. And I'm tired of listening to her scream so I just let her play. She follows me around whining half the day and asking for a cookie the other half. She throws temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. I'm not sure if I should laugh or scream! I'm going to blame some of her behavior issues on the fact that three of her eye teeth have just come through. Please tell me it gets easier or she might just be an only child!!!


sherie said...

I hate to break it to you but it doesn't get easier! Although if she is an only child it will definately get worse!! :)

Cassidy said...

I have had the experiance of working when Andrew was only 8months old. I worked for a year. I would take being home any day that working outside the home again. My kids drive me crazy but there is no place I would rather be and when I say drive me crazy yes Carrie unfortunanly they only get worse. Luckily for their sake they are so cute so it makes it worth it!

Cassidy said...

Sorry Karie I totally spelled your name wrong in my previous comment!

Holly said...

These little girls just come into the world with strong little personalities, and though it drives us crazy, I think we will be glad they're so strong later on in their lives. At least, that's what I keep hoping for. There is always a good day that makes up for the several bad days :)

Ann said...

Hi Karie,
My sister Tiffany Behunin talks about you all the time and gave me you and your sisters' blogsite. I just had to see in person what Savannah looks like. Tiff just loves her. I can totally relate to the teething and early terrible twos. Halle is going through the same thing. Good luck, and if you find out how to cure it, I'd love to know!