Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Annie in Pictures

Just thought I'd share some cute photos of Savannah.
Here is the tool girl. She made a tool belt and pretended to fix the table.
Here she is looking so cute for church. On the way home I asked her what she did in primary. She said, "We didn't get cookies cause it's fast. We only get cookies on slow Sunday." So funny!
Here she is with her chubby cheek. She had sialolithiasis - stones in the salivary gland. She is still a little puffy, but says it doesn't hurt when she runs anymore.
And no day is complete without Savannah dressing up in her new tiara.
She puts it on the minute she gets out of bed and wears it until she gets back in bed. I didn't let her wear it to church or school, but it's okay for the store.


sherie said...

Stinkin cute :) I can't believe she hasn't realized fast Sunday is the SLOWEST of them all!

Unknown said...

That tiara=the cat ears I have now