Thursday, September 22, 2011

Very observant

We were driving home from the store and the guy next to us was smoking which led to the following conversation between myself and Savannah:
Mom, if you smoke you'll die.
Where did you learn that?
Well, will you?
Smoking isn't good for you and can make you very sick.
Like what kind of sick?
I explained how it can hurt your lungs and make it so you can't breathe very well.
I want my lungs to work right so I'm not going to smoke. My magic wand can make some things that look like cigarettes, but they're really just crayons.
Let's not play like things are cigarettes.
You can just pretend to smoke.
The Book of Mormon tells us not to smoke, so we don't pretend to smoke either.
Well if people who smoke don't have the scriptures, they should get some scriptures to tell them not to smoke.
The entire drive from JoAnn's to our house was filled with talk about smoking and cigarettes. Have you ever smoked? Who in our family smokes? What's Daddy's friends name that smokes? I don't know why she was so interested in it today, but it was pretty amusing.
Word of warning - don't ever let Savannah catch you smoking!


sherie said...

LOL! that is so funny. Her magic wand is really something!

Natalie said...

Maybe Annie should give Brenda this lesson ;)